30-Days: Self-Care IS Health Care

Is your energy whacked out?


Do you feel drained and tired?


Is something feeling a little off?

Does life feel a bit overwhelming at times?

Do you often place your own needs last?

I get it!

Sometimes life can get overwhelming and I forget to take care of my own needs and find myself tired, drained, and resenting the world around me. I have been through this cycle in life many times. It finally dawned on me that these moments have often been the result of me not taking care of myself properly.  

    Part of my journey has been discovering what helps me feel better in these moments and then to actually remember what I like. I have discovered new tools and created little tricks for myself on this wonderful life journey. As I learn ways to feel better and better about myself and my life, I like to share them with others.

   I have created a quick-start 30-day program to help re-discover what you like and desire in your life for better focus, along with mental, physical, and spiritual health. If you embark on the 30-day journey you too can have your own tools right at your fingertips when you need them. At the end of 30 days, you will have created a physical and tangible self- care toolkit that contains a plethora of tools and information, inspiration, and reminders just for you.

A Journey into YOU

   In my 30 Day: Self-Care IS Health Care program you get the opportunity to explore a wide variety of self-care topics.

I provide you with daily exercises and ideas. The process will give you a toolkit full of self-care acts, ideas, and routines to choose from and integrate into your own life.

Take the ideas and integrate them into your daily habits and routines. Take time for yourself so you can prevent burn-out.

What's included...

  - A 30-Day pdf printable Journal

- Daily tips and inspiration

- Daily video guidance pep talk

- Several printable ideas to add to your toolkit

- Guides for further self-care opportunities

- Routines you can integrate into your life

- A new world of ideas and opportunities

- A better sense and awareness of self

- Cultivation techniques for better self-esteem

The Journal Journey

   The 30 -Day journal will help you develop your Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit. 

Complete the journal and you will have so much at your fingertips for any time you need a self-care pick-me-up.

This is a journey delving into yourself. Discover yourself, your likes, and your needs even deeper. Explore more options when it comes to your own self-care.

The journey leads you as far as your willing to keep moving forward and showing up.

Take the Journey